NOTE = "
SOFTINFO.TXT describes the contents of this directory."
This directory contains files related to example software applicable to
the data on this volume. All code and files are provided "as is"
without any warranty but with the hope that they will be useful in
understanding the data provided on this volume. These supplemental
files are beyond PDS archiving requirements and may not meet PDS
[SOFTWARE] This directory
|- SOFTINFO.TXT Description of and instructions for software in
| this directory. (this file)
|- [JAVA] Directory containing Java VGPWS data viewer
| |
| | Microsoft-compatible file for launching VGPWS
| | application in "stacked histogram" mode.
| |
| | POSIX-compatible script for launching VGPWS
| | application in "stacked histogram" mode.
| |
| | Microsoft-compatible file for launching VGPWS
| | application in color spectrogram mode.
| |
| | POSIX-compatible script for launching VGPWS
| | application in color spectrogram mode.
| |
| |- VGPWS_LR.JAR Java JAR file containing VGPWS_LR an application
| for viewing and manipulating the data in this
| archive.
|- [C]
|- TESTIN1.LBL Test data file for the VG1PWS_SA_LIST program,
|- TESTIN1.DAT contains the first record from each voyager 1
| full resolution SA file through 2001-12-31.
|- TESTIN2.LBL Test data file for the VG2PWS_SA_LIST program,
|- TESTIN2.DAT contains the first record from each voyager 2
| full resolution SA file through 2005-12-31.
|- TESTOUT1.TXT Test output for the VG1PWS_SA_LIST.C and
|- VGPWS_SA_LIST.H Header file for VG1PWS_SA_LIST.C and
| Complete application for printing calibrated
| Voyager 1 spectrum analyzer data
|- VG1PWSCL.LBL Calibration table and associated label for
|- VG1PWSCL.TAB mapping Voyager 1 PWS SA 8-bit samples to
| calibrated voltage.
| Complete application for printing corrected and
| calibrated Voyager 2 spectrum analyzer data
|- VG2PWSCL.LBL Calibration table and associated label for
|- VG2PWSCL.TAB mapping Voyager 2 PWS SA 8-bit samples to
| calibrated voltage. Note other corrections are
| needed: see FULL2_DS.CAT for details.
| Makefile for compiling and testing
| compliant operating systems
|- VGRPWSEL.FMT Column structure file referenced from
VGPWS Java Application
The Java JAR file VGPWS.JAR contains the application VGPWS which can be
used on Java 1.5 or newer platforms to generate spectrograms from the
Voyager PWS spectrum analyzer data files on this volume.
The Java Runtime Environment (JRE) is freely available for common
platforms from http://java.sun.com/.
On most platforms the application can be started by opening a command
console, changing directory to the EXTRAS/SOFTWARE/JAVA directory on the
volume, and issuing the command:
java -Xmx256m -jar VGPWS.JAR --localOnly --localRoot="../../.."
java -Xmx256m -jar VGPWS.JAR -s --localOnly --localRoot="../../.."
The command line argument "-Xmx256m" instructs the Java virtual machine
to allocate 256MB of memory for the application instead of the default
64MB. The application parameter "-s" is used to invoke the application
in color spectrogram mode, rather than the default "stacked histogram"
mode. The various "--local" options instruct the application to get
data from the local file system.
The Java virtual machine will load the application and display a plot
with either a default time range or the most recently requested time
range. The "stacked histogram" mode will display each frequency
channel from lowest at the bottom to highest at the top with a common
time axis. The color spectrogram mode will interpolate between
available frequencies to produce a color-coded frequency-time
spectrogram. Two convenient text entry boxes are provided along the
bottom of the plot for explicitly entering start and stop times, plus
forward " ❯❯ " and back " ❮❮ " buttons will step the current plot width
in time. A "Print" button provides high-quality PostScript output and
a "Quit" button will exit the application.
Almost any aspect of the display is configurable, and a number of
convenient controls are accessible via mouse events on the display
itself. Any axis may be zoomed by left-dragging a range on the
corresponding axis: time, frequency, or amplitude. A subtle mouse
"gesture," dragging a few pixels to the left (a left arrow will
appear), may be used to undo the most recent zoom. Another mouse
gesture, dragging a few pixels down (a down arrow will appear) is used
to zoom out. Again, these mouse gestures are subtle and will not work
if the mouse is dragged more than a few pixels. If you move too far,
the motion will be interpreted as a range to zoom instead of the "undo"
or "zoom out" command.
Right-clicking on a display element will bring up a menu that may be
used to modify the default action of a mouse down event in the element,
including for spectrograms tools such as a "Crosshair Digitizer,"
"Vertical Slice," "Horizontal Slice," and "Vertical Averager." These
are very useful for obtaining line plots of slices in time or frequency
from the data used to generate the spectrograms. In addition, a
"properties" item will allow modifications of almost any other aspect
of the presentation, including plot titles, axis styles, color or gray
scales, etc.
This application is an early release version of a very flexible display
and analysis package currently under development. For more
information and updates, see http://www-pw.physics.uiowa.edu/das2/.
VG1PWS_SA_LIST.C and VG2PWS_SA_LIST.C example C code
The files VG1PWS_SA_LIST.C and VG2PWS_SA_LIST.C contain example C code
for two complete programs to read and list data from Voyager 1 and
Voyager 2 PWS uncalibrated low-rate full-resolution archive files.
In order to compile and test the examples, you will need to copy
all of the files in the EXTRAS/SOFTWARE/C directory to a writable
directory. For POSIX development environments, a makefile is provided
to automate the creation and verification of the two executable
programs. To use the makefile (in the writable directory):
If there are no compilation errors, then
% make -f VGPWS_SA_LIST.MAK test
The last 4 lines printed should indicate whether each executable was
verified to be working correctly or not.
Compile and Test Details
In case the makefile cannot be used, the details of compilation and
testing are as follows on POSIX systems:
In order to compile this code on POSIX systems, it may be necessary to
rename the file and remove the CR character from the CRLF line
termination. Note that gcc does not require this step.
% tr -d \\r ❮ VG1PWS_SA_LIST.C ❯ vg1pws_sa_list.c
% tr -d \\r ❮ VG2PWS_SA_LIST.C ❯ vg2pws_sa_list.c
On systems with the gnu compiler tools the compile may be as simple as
% gcc -O -o vg1pws_sa_list vg1pws_sa_list.c
% gcc -O -o vg2pws_sa_list vg2pws_sa_list.c
The executables should be used to generate the output files verify1.txt
and verify2.txt from the provided input data file:
% vg1pws_sa_list ❮ TESTIN1.DAT
% vg2pws_sa_list ❮ TESTIN2.DAT
Finally the newly created output files should be compared against the
provided output files:
% diff TESTOUT1.TXT verify1.txt
% diff TESTOUT2.TXT verify2.txt
If there are no differences, then your compiled examples should be
working correctly.