NOTE = "DSN Archival Tracking Data File Software
Interface Specification. Typed in from hard
copy original"
(Insert this module in Document 820-13; Rev. A)
EFFECTIVE DATE: Mark IVA Implementation
Initial Release Date: January 1, 1986
Approved by: s/Joseph A. Wackley (430)
s/Gene L. Goltz (314)
This module specifies the Archival Tracking Data File (ATDF) format of
the radio metric data from the Deep Space Network (DSN). The content and
format of the ATDFs generated by the Network Operations Control Center (NOCC)
Navigation Subsystem (NAV) are defined herein.
Revisions or changes to information contained in this module may be
initiated in accordance with the procedures described in Section I of this
Radio metric data are received by the NAV in the form of Intermediate
Data Record tapes (IDRs). These IDRs are processed to generate ATDFs. An
ATDF contains all radio metric data received from the Deep Space
Communications Complexes (DSCCs). These data include angles, S- and X-band
Doppler, S- and X-band range, S- and X-band differenced range versus
integrated Doppler (DRVID), programmed frequency data, pseudo-residuals, and
validation data. An ATDF will contain data for a single spacecraft, for one
or more stations, and for one or more passes or days.
The data on the ATDF are arranged as follows:
(1) File Identification logical records (one only)
(2) Transponder logical record (one only)
(3) Tracking Data logical records (time ordered)
(4) Software end-of-file mark (one only)
(5) Hardware end-of-file mark (one only)
The logical record types are described in detail in Tables TRK-2-25-1,
-2, and -3.
An ATDF block (physical record) is 2016 32-bit words in length and
consists of 28 72-word (2304-bit) logical records.
Note that several items of data have been split into two parts: a Sign
Bits field and a Data item. For these items, the leftmost (sign) bit of the
Data item has been left-extended to fill another item of information. For
always non-negative items, the Sign Bits field will be zero; for items that
may be positive, zero, or negative (provided as two's complement numbers),
the Sign Bits field will be filled with zeros (non-negative) or ones
(negative). The user may extract any specific data item and sign-extend
manually, or may use any portion of the Sign Bits field combined with the
data item to get a signed integer that will fill one word on the user's
computer system. For example, a 22-Sign Bits/14-bit Data item pair may be
taken as a 20-bit item to be ignored plus a 16-bit data item, or as a 4-bit
item to be ignored plus a 32-bit data item, or as a single 36-bit item of
data, etc. This is always true -- whether the Sign Bits field is all zero-
bits or all one-bits.
The following explanatory notes apply to Tables 2-25-1, -2, and -3:
(1) A two-part Length indicator (n/m) specifies a Sign Bits field
(n bits in length) plus a Data item (m bits in length). If the
Data item is specified to be two's complement, the Sign Bits field
may be all zero-bits (non-negative) or all one-bits (negative);
otherwise it will be all zero-bits.
(2) H/P = high part = variable/10000
L/P = low part = (variable module 10000) x 1000
Double precision variable = (H/P) x 10000 + (L/P)/1000
(3) Items not applying to a record data type are set to zero for
that record.
Table TRK-2-25-1. File Identification Logical Record
| Item | Bit | Length | Description |
| Number | Number | (Bits) | |
| 1 | 1- 36 | 29/7 | Data Length = 8 |
| 2 | 37- 72 | 29/7 | Record Type = 10 |
| 3 | 73- 84 | 12 | Last 2 Digits of Year (file creation time) |
| 4 | 85-100 | 16 | Day-of-Year (file creation time) |
| 5 | 101-108 | 8 | Hour (file creation time) |
| 6 | 109-120 | 12 | Minute (file creation time) |
| 7 | 121-128 | 8 | Second (file creation time) |
| 8 | 129-148 | 20 | 0 (not used) |
| 9 | 149-156 | 8 | Spacecraft ID Number |
| 10 | 157-164 | 8 | 73 (= 'I') or 83 (= 'S') |
| 11 | 165-172 | 8 | 68 (= 'D') or 80 (= 'P') |
| 12 | 173-180 | 8 | 82 (= 'R') |
| 13 | 181-192 | 12 | 32 (= ' ') |
| 14 | 193-208 | 16 | 65 (= 'A') |
| 15 | 209-216 | 8 | 84 (= 'T') |
| 16 | 217-228 | 12 | 68 (= 'D') |
| 17 | 229-236 | 8 | 70 (= 'F') |
| 18 | 237-252 | 16 | 0 (not used) |
| -- | 253-2304| 2052 | Not Used (all zeros) |
Table TRK-2-25-2. Transponder Logical Record
| Item | Bit | Length | Description |
| Number | Number | (Bits) | |
| 1 | 1- 36 | 29/7 | Data Length = 8 |
| 2 | 37- 72 | 29/7 | Record Type = 10 |
| 3 | 73- 84 | 12 | Last 2 Digits of Year ("On" Time) |
| 4 | 85-100 | 16 | Day-of-Year ("On" Time) |
| 5 | 101-108 | 8 | Hour ("On" Time) |
| 6 | 109-120 | 12 | Minute ("On" Time) |
| 7 | 121-128 | 8 | Second ("On" Time) |
| 8 | 129-148 | 20 | 0 |
| 9 | 149-156 | 8 | Spacecraft ID Number |
| 10 | 157-180 | 24 | Reserved (set to zeros) |
| 11 | 181-192 | 12 | Last 2 Digits of Year ("Off" Time) |
| 12 | 193-208 | 16 | Day-of-Year ("Off" Time) |
| 13 | 209-216 | 8 | Hour ("Off" Time) |
| 14 | 217-228 | 12 | Minute ("Off" Time) |
| 15 | 229-236 | 8 | Second ("Off" Time) |
| 16 | 237-252 | 16 | 0 (not used) |
| 17 | 253-288 | 12/24 | Spacecraft Transponder Frequency H/P (Hz*1000) |
| 18 | 289-324 | 12/24 | Spacecraft Transponder Frequency L/P (Hz*1000) |
| -- | 325-2304| 1980 | Not Used (all zeros) |
Table TRK-2-25-3. Tracking Data Logical Record
| Item | Bit | Length | Description |
| Number | Number | (Bits) | |
| 1 | 1- 36 | 29/7 | Data Length = 64 |
| 2 | 37- 72 | 29/7 | Record Type |
| | | | 90 = Low Rate Data |
| | | | 91 = High Rate (H/R) Data |
| 3 | 73- 84 | 12 | Last 2 Digits of Year (Record Time Tag) |
| 4 | 85-100 | 16 | Day-of-Year (Record Time Tag) |
| 5 | 101-108 | 8 | Hour (Record Time Tag) |
| 6 | 109-120 | 12 | Minute (Record Time Tag) |
| 7 | 121-128 | 8 | Second (Record Time Tag) |
| 8 | 129-156 | 28 | Spacecraft ID Number |
| 9 | 157-164 | 8 | Network ID |
| | | | 2 = Deep Space Network (DSN) |
| 10 | 165-172 | 8 | Station Number |
| 11 | 173-180 | 8 | Downlink Frequency Band (Receiver Type) |
| | | | 0 = Not Applicable |
| | | | 1 = S-band |
| | | | 2 = X-band |
| | | | 3 = L-band |
| 12 | 181-184 | 4 | Data Type Identifier |
| | | | 0 = Old/Unknown |
| | | | 1 = High Rate Doppler |
| | | | 2 = Low Rate Doppler |
| | | | 3 = angles |
| | | | 4 = DRVID |
| | | | 5 = Range |
| | | | 6 = Ramp |
| | | | 7 = Mixed |
| 13 | 185-192 | 8 | Ground Mode |
| | | | 0 = No Doppler, No Range, No DRVID |
| | | | 1 = 1-Way Doppler |
| | | | 2 = 2-Way Doppler |
| | | | 3 = 3-Way Doppler |
| | | | 4 = 3-Way Coherent Doppler |
| | | | 5 = 1-Way, No Doppler |
| | | | 6 = 2-Way, No Doppler |
| | | | 7 = 3-Way, No Doppler |
| | | | 8 = 3-Way Coherent, No Doppler |
| 14 | 193-200 | 8 | Range Type |
| | | | 0 = No Range Data |
| | | | 6 = PLOP |
| | | | 7 = SRE (see item 28) |
| | | | 8 = MU2 |
| 15 | 201-208 | 8 | Angle Type |
| | | | 0 = No Angle Data |
| | | | 1 = Azimuth/Elevation |
| | | | 2 = Hour Angle/Declination |
| | | | 3 = X/Y (+X is East) |
| | | | 4 = X/Y (+X is South) |
| 16 | 209-216 | 8 | DRVID Type |
| | | | 0 = No DRVID Data |
| | | | 6-8 = Same as for Range Type (item 14) |
| 17 | 217-221 | 5 | Doppler Good/Bad Indicator |
| | | | 0 = Good |
| | | | 1 = Bad |
| 18 | 222 | 1 | Doppler Data Tolerance |
| | | | 0 = In Tolerance |
| | | | 1 = Out of Tolerance |
| 19 | 223 | 1 | 0 |
| 20 | 224-227 | 4 | Doppler Bias (two's complement, MHz) |
| 21 | 228 | 1 | Reserved (set to zero) |
| 22 | 229 | 1 | Angle Good/Bad Indicator |
| | | | 0 = Good |
| | | | 1 = Bad |
| 23 | 230-232 | 3 | Reserved (set to zeros) |
| 24 | 233-235 | 3 | Reserved (set to zeros) |
| 25 | 236 | 1 | Receiver Loop Lock Indicator |
| | | | 0 = In Lock |
| | | | 1 = Out of Lock |
| 26 | 237 | 1 | Transmitter/Exciter On/Off |
| | | | 0 = On |
| | | | 1 = Off |
| 27 | 238-239 | 2 | Reserved (set to zeros) |
| 28 | 240-242 | 3 | Source Designation |
| | | | 1 = Deep Space Network (34m/64m) |
| | | | 2 = Deep Space Network (26m) |
| 29 | 243-252 | 10 | Reserved (set to zeros) |
| 30 | 253-288 | 5/31 | Sampler Time (seconds*100) |
| 31 | 289-324 | 12/24 | Doppler Count H/P (cycles*1000) |
| 32 | 325-360 | 12/24 | Doppler Count L/P (cycles*1000) |
| 33 | 361-396 | 12/24 | Range Data Field - Part 1 |
| | | | 0 if Item 14 = 0 |
| | | | otherwise, range-at-T0 H/P (RU*1000 or |
| | | | NS*10000) |
| 34 | 397-432 | 12/24 | Range Data Field - Part 2 |
| | | | 0 if Item 14 = 0 |
| | | | otherwise, range-at-T0 L/P (RU*1000 or |
| | | | NS*10000) |
| 35 | 433-452 | 4/16 | Lowest Ranging Component |
| 36 | 453-524 | 72 | Reserved (set to zeros) |
| 37 | 525-540 | 16 | DRVID Power/Noise Ratio (two's complement, |
| | | | dB*10) |
| 38 | 541-576 | 17/19 | Angle 1 (Azimuth/Hour Angle/X, degrees*1000) |
| 39 | 577-612 | 17/19 | Angle 2 (Elevation/Declination/Y, degrees*1000)|
| 40 | 613-648 | 5/31 | Doppler Reference Frequency (Hz*10) |
| 41 | 649-684 | 8/28 | DRVID (two's complement, RU*100) |
| 42 | 685-720 | 12/24 | No. 2 H/R Doppler H/P (cycles*1000) or 0 |
| 43 | 721-756 | 12/24 | No. 2 H/R Doppler L/P (cycles*1000) or |
| | | | Round Trip Light Time (seconds) |
| 44 | 757-792 | 12/24 | No. 3 H/R Doppler H/P (cycles*1000) or 0 |
| 45 | 793-828 | 12/24 | No. 3 H/R Doppler L/P (cycles*1000) or |
| | | | Tacquisition (seconds past 0-hour) |
| 46 | 829-864 | 12/24 | No. 4 H/R Doppler H/P (cycles*1000) or 0 |
| 47 | 865-900 | 12/24 | No. 4 H/R Doppler L/P (cycles*1000) or |
| | | | T1 Integration Time Constant (seconds) |
| 48 | 901-936 | 12/24 | No. 5 H/R Doppler H/P (cycles*1000) or 0 |
| 49 | 937-972 | 12/24 | No. 5 H/R Doppler L/P (cycles*1000) or |
| | | | T2 Integration Time Constant (seconds) |
| 50 | 973-1008| 12/24 | No. 6 H/R Doppler H/P (cycles*1000) or 0 |
| 51 |1009-1044| 12/24 | No. 6 H/R Doppler L/P (cycles*1000) or |
| | | | T3 Integration Time Constant (seconds) |
| 52 |1045-1080| 12/24 | No. 7 H/R Doppler H/P (cycles*1000) or 0 |
| 53 |1081-1116| 12/24 | No. 7 H/R Doppler L/P (cycles*1000) or |
| | | | Ref. Voltage (two's complement, millivolts) |
| 54 |1117-1152| 12/24 | No. 8 H/R Doppler H/P (cycles*1000) or 0 |
| 55 |1153-1188| 12/24 | No. 8 H/R Doppler L/P (cycles*1000) or |
| | | | Quad. Voltage (two's complement, millivolts)|
| 56 |1189-1224| 12/24 | No. 9 H/R Doppler H/P (cycles*1000) or 0 |
| 57 |1225-1260| 12/24 | No. 9 H/R Doppler L/P (cycles*1000) or |
| | | | Carrier Suppression (two's complement, dB or|
| | | | millivolts) |
| 58 |1261-1296| 12/24 | No. 10 H/R Doppler H/P (cycles*1000) or 0 |
| 59 |1297-1332| 12/24 | No. 10 H/R Doppler L/P (cycles*1000) or |
| | | | Highest Ranging Component |
| 60 |1333-1368| 5/31 | Doppler Residual (two's complement, Hz*1000) |
| 61 |1369-1404| 14/22 | Range Residual (two's complement, RU) |
| 62 |1405-1422| 18 | Angle 1 Residual (two's complement, |
| | | | degrees*1000) |
| 63 |1423-1440| 18 | Angle 2 Residual (two's complement, |
| | | | degrees*1000) |
| 64 |1441-1443| 3 | Uplink Frequency Band and Source ID |
| | | | 0 = S-band, TRK-2-14 |
| | | | 1 = S-band, TRK-2-15 |
| | | | 2 = X-band, TRK-2-15 |
| | | | 7 = S-band, TRK-2-20 |
| 65 |1444-1446| 3 | Angle Mode |
| | | | 0 = Auto Track |
| | | | 1 = Manual Aided |
| | | | 2 = Computer |
| | | | 3 = Sidereal |
| | | | 4 = Brake |
| 66 |1447-1448| 2 | Conscan Mode |
| | | | 0 = Conscan Off |
| | | | 1 = Closed Loop |
| | | | 2 = Open Loop |
| 67 | 1449 | 1 | Angle 1 Residual Tolerance |
| | | | 0 = In Tolerance |
| | | | 1 = Out of Tolerance |
| 68 | 1450 | 1 | Angle 2 Residual Tolerance |
| | | | 0 = In Tolerance |
| | | | 1 = Out of Tolerance |
| 69 |1451-1453| 3 | Doppler Channel Number |
| | | | 1 = S-band, 26-meter DSS |
| | | | 2 = S-band, 34/64-meter DSS |
| | | | 3 = X-band, 34/64-meter DSS |
| 70 | 1454 | 1 | Frequency Standard Reference |
| | | | 0 = Backup |
| | | | 1 = Prime |
| 71 |1455-1458| 4 | Doppler Receiver Reference |
| | | | 1 = Block III, Receiver 1 |
| | | | 2 = Block III, Receiver 2 |
| | | | 3 = Block IV, Receiver 1 |
| | | | 4 = Block IV, Receiver 2 |
| 72 |1459-1462| 4 | Reserved (set to zeros) |
| 73 | 1463 | 1 | Doppler Residual Tolerance |
| | | | 0 = In Tolerance |
| | | | 1 = Out of Tolerance |
| 74 | 1464 | 1 | Doppler Noise Tolerance |
| | | | 0 = In Tolerance |
| | | | 1 = Out of Tolerance |
| 75 |1465-1494| 30 | Reserved (set to zeros) |
| 76 |1495-1512| 18 | Total Slipped Cycles During Count (cycles) |
| 77 |1513-1530| 18 | Doppler Noise (Hz*1000) |
| 78 |1531-1548| 18 | Received Signal Strength (two's complement, |
| | | | dBm or volts*10) |
| 79 |1549-1584| 5/31 | Differential Doppler Phase (two's complement, |
| | | | cycles*1000): S - (3/11)*X |
| 80 | 1585 | 1 | Range Modulation On/Off |
| | | | 0 = On |
| | | | 1 = Off |
| 81 | 1586 | 1 | Prime Ranging Channel |
| | | | 0 = S-band |
| | | | 1 = X-band |
| 82 | 1587 | 1 | Pipelining On/Off |
| | | | 0 = On |
| | | | 1 = Off |
| 83 | 1588 | 1 | Chopper Frequency On/Off |
| | | | 0 = On |
| | | | 1 = Off |
| 84 | 1589 | 1 | Reserved (set to zero) |
| 85 | 1590 | 1 | Range Validity |
| | | | 0 = Good |
| | | | 1 = Bad |
| 86 | 1591 | 1 | Range Calibration Tolerance |
| | | | 0 = In Tolerance |
| | | | 1 = Out of Tolerance |
| 87 | 1592 | 1 | Range Configuration Change Flag |
| | | | 0 = Same |
| | | | 1 = Different |
| 88 | 1593 | 1 | Range Power/Noise Ratio Tolerance |
| | | | 0 = In Tolerance |
| | | | 1 = Out of Tolerance |
| 89 | 1594 | 1 | Range Residual Tolerance |
| | | | 0 = In Tolerance |
| | | | 1 = Out of Tolerance |
| 90 | 1595 | 1 | Pseudo DRVID Tolerance |
| | | | 0 = In Tolerance |
| | | | 1 = Out of Tolerance |
| 91 | 1596 | 1 | Differenced S-X Range Tolerance |
| | | | 0 = In Tolerance |
| | | | 1 = Out of Tolerance |
| 92 |1597-1600| 4 | Receiver Number |
| 93 | 1601 | 1 | Reserved (set to zero) |
| 94 |1602-1603| 2 | Amplifier Number |
| 95 |1604-1605| 2 | Amplifier Type |
| | | | 0 = S-band Maser |
| | | | 1 = X-band Maser |
| | | | 2 = Parametric Amplifier |
| | | | 3 = FET |
| 96 | 1606 | 1 | Transmitter Power Indicator |
| | | | 0 = Low Power |
| | | | 1 = High Power |
| 97 | 1607 | 1 | Reserved (set to zero) |
| 98 |1608-1620| 13 | Transmitter Power (kilowatts) |
| 99 |1621-1644| 24 | Range Calibration (RU*100) |
| 100 |1645-1656| 12 | Range Power/Noise Ratio (two's complement, |
| | | | dB*10) |
| 101 |1657-1692| 15/21 | Average Doppler Residual (two's complement, |
| | | | Hz*1000) |
| 102 |1693-1728| 8/28 | Pseudo DRVID (two's complement, RU*100) |
| 103 |1729-1764| 14/22 | Differenced S-X Range (two's complement, |
| | | | RU*100) or Ramp Delay Time (two's |
| | | | complement, nanoseconds) |
| 104 |1765-1786| 22 | Z Correction (two's complement, |
| | | | nanoseconds*100) |
| 105 |1787-1800| 14 | Spacecraft Delay (nanoseconds) |
| 106 |1801-1833| 19/14 | DRVID Noise (RU*100) |
| 107 | 1834 | 1 | DRVID Validity |
| | | | 0 = Good |
| | | | 1 = Bad |
| 108 | 1835 | 1 | DRVID Noise Tolerance |
| | | | 0 = In Tolerance |
| | | | 1 = Out of Tolerance |
| 109 | 1836 | 1 | DRVID Power/Noise Ratio Tolerance |
| | | | 0 = In Tolerance |
| | | | 1 = Out of Tolerance |
| 110 |1837-1872| 8/28 | Differenced S-X DRVID (two's complement, |
| | | | RU*100) |
| 111 |1873-1877| 5 | Ramp Controller Indicator |
| | | | 0 = POCA Controller |
| | | | 1 = DCO Controller |
| | | | 2 = New Controller |
| 112 |1878-1908| 31 | Programmed Frequency Ramp Rate (two's |
| | | | complement, Hz*1000000) or Received Signal |
| | | | Strength (two's complement, dBm or |
| | | | volts*4096) |
| 113 |1909-1944| 12/24 | Programmed Start Frequency - Part 1 (Hz/10) |
| 114 |1945-1980| 12/24 | Programmed Start Frequency - Part 2 (Hz modulo |
| | | | 10, *1000000) |
| 115 |1981-2124| 144 | Reserved (set to zeros) |
| 116 |2125-2160| 5/31 | Transmitter/Exciter Frequency (Hz*10) |
| 117 |2161-2304| 144 | 0 (not used) |