Release Notes - INMS Analysis Library
Most recent release is described first, prior releases in
reverse chronological order
T H E I N M S A N A L Y S I S L I B R A R Y I S S U P P L I E D "A S - I S",
++++Version 2007170
This release adds routines for trajectory and pointing display, for SPICE kernel
management and for programming utilities. The ion tuning coefficients for all
encounters through T32 are incorporated into inms_ion_sensitivity. A number of
the plotting routines were modified to display closest approach time
and to improve format.
inms_plot_geom Clots trajectory and pointing with respect to target
or Saturn.
inms_get_spice_kernels Invokes FTP to download missing SPICE kernels
IIS_frame_definitions.txt A SPICE frames text kernel defining the Ionospheric
Interaction System frame for Titan and Enceladus
inms_auxiliary_value Computes latitude, west longitude, ram angle, and
speed with respect to a target body or Saturn
inms_dump_structure Creates a comma-separated value file containing the
contents of a structure array
inms_idl_type Determines the IDL type that best matches a PDS type
inms_reduce_qb_scan Performs the quad bias scan data reduction - Alpha Version
inms_test Adds example geometry plot (calls inms_plot_geom)
inms_ion_sensitivity Include all tuning model coefficients through T32
inms_add_aux_axis Now produces axis from either L1A or Spectra structure arrays
Optionally replaces west longitude with local solar time
inms_plot_mass_history Now uses inms_add_aux_axis
inms_plot_stacked_spectra Now uses inms_add_aux_axis
inms_plot_state Displays vertical line at time of closest approach
inms_plot_mt_line Improved graphic format
inms_plot_mt_spectra Improved graphic format
inms_plot_series Improved graphic format
inms_plot_compare Improved graphic format
inms_get_spectra Store time of closest approach
inms_define_xSpecRec Added closest approach time to spectra structure
inms_prepare_plot Color tables no longer implicitly changed. Updated prolog
inms_make_window Added portrait orientation
inms_reduce_ql_scan Correct indexing error in annotations
inms_read_fmt_file Produces complete structure template eliminating the need
for inms_create_l1a_template
inms_get_data Streamlined data structure creation
inms_kernel_list Converted from function to procedure
inms_doy2utc Correct error handler
The functionality of these routines have been replaced and improved by
new routines. These routines should not be used in new code.
inms_saturn_latitude Use inms_auxiliary_value
inms_saturn_wLongitude Use inms_auxiliary_value
inms_ram_angle Use inms_auxiliary_value
inms_create_l1a_template Replaced by inms_read_fmt_file
++++Version 2007075
This maintenance release supplies an updated version of inms_ion_sensitivity which
includes quadrupole switching lens tuning factors bsed on the T25 data. A minor change
was made to inms_plot_state to add time from closest approach.
inms_make_pds_label Creates a pds label for a spreadsheet file based on the file
being labeled and a label template.
inms_ion_sensitivity Coefficients based on the T25 results included in algorithm
inms_plot_state Includes display of ram angle and a time from closest approach axis
inms_add_aux_axis Optionally includes the time from closest approach axis
inms_plot_cal_ptrn Adds keyword to specify plot title
inms_plot_cal_sens Adds keyword to specify plot title
inms_read_cal Increased max size of a calibration record to support toluene data
inms_select_cal Correct documentation formatting error
++++Version 2007018
This maintenance release fixes a compatibility problem between IDL V6.2 and later versions.
It also corrects a number of problems encountered in the previous release by users and updates
the ion sensitivity calculation with the Titan T23 encounter energy scan results. The
routine used to reduce energy scans is included in the library
inms_reduce_ql_scan Reduces the quadrupole lens scans, producing the tuning
parameters required to adjust for miss-focusing.
inms_post_message Delete the /center keyword from the dialog_message calls
for backwards compatibility
sprl_color_plot Delete the /center keyword from the dialog_message calls
for backwards compatibility
inms_plot_stacked_spectra Display ram angle over spectra, if requested, to aid
diagnosis of ion density calculations
inms_compute_mean_spectra Add the ion source to the spectra type descriptions
inms_ion_sensitivity Add T23 tuning coefficients. Handle scalar, 1-dimensional
and 2-dimensional mass arrays
inms_spectra_aux_values Separate the Saturn ram angle and speed computations from
those of the other targets
inms_tabulate_spectra Support output to files in addition to the screen
inms_make_ion_spectra Support options to disable the quadrupole lens tuning
and ram angle corrections to the sensitivity
inms_prepare_plot Adjust line widths used for the X and WIN display types
++++Version 2007008
This release provides final routines for computing ion densities and adds additional options
to the data selection routines. Additional items have been added to the spectra record to
permit handling exceptions when computing ion densities.
NOTE: The order of the arguments of inms_make_ion_spectra has been reversed to match the
usage of inms_compute_mean_spectra and inms_compute_summed_spectra
inms_tabulate_spectra Produces a table of information extracted from a spectra record
inms_compute_mean_spectra Ensures compatibility with spectra records formed with previous
inms_compute_summed_spectra Ensures compatibility with spectra records formed with previous
inms_plot_histogram Adds grid to plot and target name to title
inms_build_locator Accepts /INGRESS and /EGRESS keywords
inms_plot_mass_history Properly label altitude axis when target is Saturn
inms_plot_stacked_spectra Properly label altitude axis when target is Saturn
inms_plot_mass_profile Properly label altitude axis when target is Saturn
Adds option to connect plot markers
inms_define_xSpecRec Add sequence table and cycle table IDS to spectra record
inms_grid_spectra Add sequence table and cycle table IDS to spectra record
inms_get_spectra Handle pathological case when selecting data which includes
final data point in input
Add sequence table and cycle table IDS to spectra record
inms_ion_sensitivity Deletes alternative method
Handle T17 ion measurements interspersed with the energy scans
inms_make_ion_spectra Handle T17 ion measurements interspersed with the energy scans
Change order of arguments to match usage of other routines.
inms_spectra_aux_values Save correct velocity components for ion sensitivity calculation
Compute positions with respect to Saturn when no target is specified
inms_neat_ticks Correct calculation of major tick locations when quarter-hour tick
spacing selected
++++Version 2006341
This release fixes a number of bugs and shortcomings observed
since the last release (2005263). Routines to apply calibrations to the
ion data and to plot the results are added. To support analysis
of the Refurbished Engineering Model (REU) calibration, a number of
routines were added or modified. Finally a general error handler was added to
most routines so error messages are handled in a common manner.
inms_make_ion_spectra This routine is currently restricted to processing
one input raw spectra at a time. Off-nominal pointing is
not accounted for.
inms_ion_transmission This routine is as not yet validated and should be used with caution.
inms_plot_cal Replaced by inms_plot_cal_ptrn to avoid confusing names for routines
that plot cracking patterns and sensitivities from cal data.
See new routine inms_plot_cal_sens
inms_ss_positions Sub-solar point latitude and longitude now included in L1A data
inms_init_ss_positions Sub-solar point latitude and longitude now included in L1A data
inms_compute_density Method has been overtaken by other analysis
inms_density_file Driver for inms_compute_density, no longer to be used.
inms_doy2julian Converts an ordinal date to a Julian date
inms_ion_sensitivity Computes the open source ion sensitivity for a particular mass and
velocity, considering QL miss tuning.
inms_ion_transmission Computes the adjustment factor to be applied to the sensitivity
due to off-nominal pointing
inms_kernel_list Compares the SPICE kernels listed in a FURNISH text kernel to
those on the local system.
inms_make_ion_spectra Computes ion abundance spectra from a raw counts spectra
inms_plot_cal_sens Plots sensitivity data from a calibration summary file
as a function of species
inms_plot_cal_ptrn Plots cracking PaTteRN data from a calibration summary file
inms_plot_mass_profile Plots data from an array of spectra records as a function of
altitude for selected masses
inms_plot_state Plots the transitions between mass tables or between cycle tables
as a function of time
inms_post_message Puts an error dialog on the screen
inms_put_annotations Creates a table of annotations, see plots from inms_deconvolve for example
inms_ram_angle Computes the angle between the spacecraft velocity w.r.t
the target body and the INMS boresight.
inms_read_jcamp Reads a jcamp format mass spectra as obtained from NIST
inms_weighted_mean Computes the average of a series of measurements weighted by their
standard deviations.
inms_add_aux_axes Adjust axis label character size
inms_build_locator Fixed error in sclk time formatting
inms_compute_mean_spectra Return geometric quantities evaluated at central time
inms_compute_summed_spectra Return geometric quantities evaluated at central time
inms_deconvolve Fall back to closed source cal data if open source is not available
Provide for setting closed source temperatures
Omit isotope ratio computation
Change critical C1 counter frequency to 1.25 MHz (ex 1.75 MHz)
Change C1/C2 ratio to 5840.7 (ex 4459.6)
inms_define_xSpecRec Add ION to spectra types
Add velocity components to structure
inms_get_data Ensure files are sorted properly on Windows
Ensure a valid label was obtained and post more specific error message
inms_get_spectra Prune empty spectra records prior to return
inms_make_windows Make windows columns stagger slightly.
Permit adjustment of window size and region containing the plots
inms_make_profiles Omit computation of isotope ratio
inms_make_window Provide method to set size and location of window
Correct window position calculation on MS Windows platform
inms_plot_cal Added support for REU data
Optionally plot multiple matches
Improve compatibility with inms_prepare_plot
inms_plot_histogram Support ION abundance spectra display
Change critical C1 counter frequency to 1.25 MHz (ex 1.5 MHz)
Change C1/C2 ratio to 5840.7 (ex 4459.6)
inms_plot_mt_line Correct auxiliary axis location
Add "ESM" source to list of valid sources
Reduced spacing between aux axis
inms_plot_mt_spectra Reduced spacing between aux axis
inms_plot_series Adjust size of x-axis characters when aux axes present
Use subtitle keyword consistent with other routines
inms_prepare_plot Collect multiple image files produced with /NEXT in one subdirectory.
Create directories if required.
Adds support for TIFF and JPEG images in addition to PNG
Image and PS line weights increased for better legibility.
inms_ram_coefficient Corrected miss-spelled variable name
inms_read_cal Corrected errors in converting NIST style cracking patterns to
INMS style
Made mass variable float to avoid an off-by-one error when
plotting the cracking patterns
Added name of calibration data file to structure for identification
of the data source
Remove enclosing quotation marks from strings, if present to comply
with PDS
Increased the maximum number of peaks in a spectra to 40 (ex 30)
inms_read_format_file Corrected errors parsing format file contents
Ensure that the path keyword value is of correct type
inms_select_cal Correct initialization of return value
Add REU to list of calibration instruments
Return multiple matches under some conditions.
Improved argument validation
inms_test Added state plot to tests
Changed names of isotopes to match current naming convention
Changed data set to T18 to include ION data
sprl_date_plotted Added option to place annotation at lower left instead of default
lower right.
Most Routines Added error handler that posts dialog on window display system or to
console log when debugging or when displaying on a non-windowing (PS)
++++Version 2005325
Changed default value of c1/c2 count ratio
Added an option to plot count rates instead of counts per sample period
Supports latest version of calibration summary files which
may include fractionation patterns from NIST
Bug fixes
inms_compute_density revised default value of C1 C2 ratio
inms_deconvolve revised default value of C1/C2 ratio
displays both abundance and mole fraction
displays reduced chi-square and other
goodness of fit measures
inms_file_format supports calibration system data file formats
inms_format_time_tick Include seconds in the time string
inms_grid_spectra corrects source id value in spectra
inms_neat_ticks added quarter-hour tick marks to routine
inms_plot_histogram revised default value of C1/C2 ratio
inms_plot_mass_history count rate display option added
inms_plot_mt_line count rate display option added
inms_plot_mt_spectra count rate display option added
inms_plot_stacked_spectra count rate display option added
inms_prepare_plot corrected file delimiter character for MS Windows
inms_read_cal handle NIST fractionation patterns
inms_spectra_aux_values suppress floating point exception messages
inms_test updates to display rates
inms_put_annotations Adds table of annotations to plots,
see inms_deconvolve for example useage
++++Version 2005263
Added density profile routines
Added additional ancillary data to spectra records
Adjusted character sizes in PNG files to better match screen views
Bug fixes
inms_deconvolve added code to remove outliers
Now returns chi-square, not reduced chi-square,
added keywords to control annotation and c1 replacement by c2.
inms_file_format Checks for the presence of a format stack and prompts user for format file to read if absent.
inms_get_spectra Add latitude, longitude, solar zenith angle, and solar local time to spectra structure
inms_grid_spectra Add latitude, longitude, solar zenith angle, and solar local time to spectra structure
inms_list_cal_species molecular mass added to table
inms_make_window MS Windows support
inms_plot_cal Species selection defaults to all, control of plot format
inms_plot_compare minor changes
inms_plot_histogram check input spectra and post error if an array of structures passed
inms_plot_hkg minor changes
inms_plot_mass_history minor changes
Finms_plot_mt_line minor changes
inms_plot_mt_spectra minor changes
inms_plot_stacked_spectra Add auxiliary axes, latitude and either west longitude or solar local time.
inms_prepare_plot MS Windows support, multiple PNG plots
inms_ram_coefficient Keywords available to set source and ambient temperatures
inms_read_cal Initialize output structure prior to use, ensure final line read without
requiring a trailing null line.
inms_read_fmt_file ensure final line read without requiring a trailing null line.
inms_utc_increment Corrected error when crossing year boundaries
sprl_cvt_jdate_odate Correct off-by-one error in centennial years
sprl_cvt_odate_jdate Correct off-by-one error in leap years and centennial years following day-of-year 58.
sprl_error_plot Simplify and correct size of tick marks on logarithmic plots.
sprl_find_color MS Windows support when displaying color swatch
sprl_load_colors Improved color table for sequential='spectrum" option
inms_define_xSpecRec Include file to create a spectra record instance
inms_select_cal General calibration record selection function
inms_spectra_aux_values Computes ancillary values for inclusion in spectra records
inms_make_profiles Determines the density profiles of selected species by repeated calls to inms_deconvolve
inms_plot_density_profile Plots density profiles produced by inms_make_profiles.
++++Version 050713
Maintenance Release
Changed Routines:
sprl_cvt_jdate_odate Correct problem in computing day-of-year in years following a leap year,
when the day-o-year is greater than 179
++++Version 050623
Support for HKG files added and compatibility with L1A files as delivered to the PDS
Changed Routines:
inms_build_locator changed method of obtaining field names
inms_compute_mean_density corrected prolog
inms_create_l1A_template added provision for variables of type PDS time
inms_deconvolve changed critical frequency and added control of status message production
inms_get_data added support for HKG
allow time ranges to cross day and year boundaries
inms_get_spectra support for high resolution (0.125 AMU) mass scans
inms_grid_spectra code to remove outliers, delete background correction
inms_l1A_labels support for HKG files
inms_parse_l1a_name now a wrapper for a general file name parser
inms_parse_time fix length of loop counter
inms_validate_time fix length of loop counter
inms_read_cal supports PDS compliant calibration summaries
inms_read_fmt_file support for HKG
inms_read_label support for HKG
inms_plot_series no longer requires a continuous data plot to plot discrete values.
Recycles colors when a multi-valued discrete has more states than there are defined colors
inms_plot* adjusted fonts and made keywords more consistent
inms_prepare_plot fixed problem that resulted in exceeded x window resource
availability when creating PNGs. Adjusted fonts
sprl_cvt_jdate_odate fix and off-by-one error
sprl_error_plot fix floating point exception when plotting logarithmically
New Routines:
support for HKG files
inms_file_fmt returns format structure for specified file type
inms_hkg_labels returns axis labels for housekeeping data
inms_plot_hkg plots housekeeping data
inms_validate_hkg validates housekeeping data structure
inms_parse_file_name parses any INMS data file name
support for plotting
inms_neat_ticks determines location of time tick marks
inms_label_ticks formats time tick mark labels
inms_set_charsize sets size for characters considering the !p.charsize scaling
inms_plot_compare plots time signal time histories from L1A and spectra data
sprl_cvt_jdate_mdy converts a julian date to month, day and year
sprl_cvt_jtime_tod converts a fractional day to hours, minutes and seconds.